Action Alerts

Just the facts, ma'am. Or at least just the action items. I just thought it would be a good thing to have a site dedicated solely to taking action and leave the pithy rhetoric to other blogs. Contacts: Senate, House and a way to FAX via the web!

Friday, November 04, 2005

Give 'Em Hell Harry!

Give 'Em Hell Harry!

After kicking GOP bootay in the Senate the other day, Reid is pressuring shrubya to come up with an Iraq strategy a little more coherent than "until all our bases are completed the job is done."

Dear President Bush,

You can no longer mislead Congress and the American people and need to honestly lay out the facts about Iraq. It's time for an Iraq success strategy that will bring our troops home.

We cannot continue to stay the course in Iraq -- we must change the course.

Please sign his petition and share this info widely!


At 8:52 AM, Anonymous Motorized Blinds Mobile said...

Great blogg you have


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