Action Alerts

Just the facts, ma'am. Or at least just the action items. I just thought it would be a good thing to have a site dedicated solely to taking action and leave the pithy rhetoric to other blogs. Contacts: Senate, House and a way to FAX via the web!

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Keep the Pressure on WaPo

Keep the Pressure on WaPo

The good: WaPo finally acknowledged that Ms. Ombudswha? Howell was wrong in her claim that Abramoff gave money to Democratic members of Congress as well as Republicans.

The bad: It was buried on page A8, in a story not about Abramoff, but about the WaPo blog tantrum brouhaha.

The ugly: It's not ugly, really, just unrelenting. Let's politely (they did post a correction, after all) keep the pressure on - we must insist that they post an updated, factually correct story on Abramoff.

And if you're in the mood, send some kind words to Wolf Blitzer - seems he actually layed a smackdown! to Mehlman!

WaPo contact page

Situation Room contact page

And be sure to give Hardball a lecturing.

[UPDATE]Well, it's not a newer, better Abramoff story, but it is a slightly better correction from Howell herself. And very amusing:

But it is profoundly distressing if political discourse has sunk to a level where abusive name-calling and the crudest of sexual language are the norm, where facts have no place in an argument. This unbounded, unreasoning rage is not going to help this newspaper, this country or democracy.

Soooo...while you're writing anyway, ask her when exactly she intends to get around to condemning comparisons between Michael Moore and Bin Laden; when she plans to rebuke Turd Blossom for saying that liberals mollycoddle terrorists. When can we expect her to reprimand Frist for gleefully chortling that Alito is a liberal's "worst nightmare"? Will she be chastising O'Reilly for encouraging the destruction of San Francisco?

We're waiting, Ms. Howell, for so very much...


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