Action Alerts

Just the facts, ma'am. Or at least just the action items. I just thought it would be a good thing to have a site dedicated solely to taking action and leave the pithy rhetoric to other blogs. Contacts: Senate, House and a way to FAX via the web!

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Save Eugene's Forests! (Oregon)

Save Eugene's Forests! (Oregon)

"EFAHP is dedicated to the protection and preservation of the wildlife habitat and natural resources of the East Fork Amazon Headwaters Forest."

Please join us in the effort to stop the development that will destroy this beautiful and irreplaceable treasure. It is nearly 40 acres and one of the most pristine sites left in the Eugene Urban Growth Boundary, home to the Pileated Woodpecker, Red Legged Frog and many other woodland creatures. It hosts Grand Fir Stands, Oak, Maple, Madrone and Ash trees. Its diverse native vegetation consists of Wayside aster, Tall bugbane, Corn lily, Twin flower, California fescue, Candy flower and Cow parsnip, just to name a few. It is part of the Amazon Headwaters and has a large stream corridor with many seasonal creeks and wetlands that flow into the Amazon Creek.


At 8:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This president is a traitor in many ways but one of the most breathtaking of his thefts and assaults on the American people is his brazen cowardly and immoral attempt to cover his wanton spending-for-death-and-profit with the sale of public lands that belong to the American people. These lands are not his to dispose of. They belong to the present generation and to all generations to come! This alone is reason enough for impeachment. What an unimaginable theft of our common wealth!

We all need to see to it that this cowardly attempt to evade the debt he has created is made clear to the American people. We need to write letters to the editor to point out that this is a theft of the common wealth that we have protected for hundreds of years for ourselves and our posterity and that he now intends to destroy in just the few years of his occupancy of our White House for his personal benefit and that of his treasonous cronies.

The development industry is drunk with their profits. They need to settle down and live on a more subdued income like the rest of us.


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